Sunday, December 8, 2013

Welp I made it....

It's been a while since I have updated my blog but like I've said before I have been crazy busy. Also the last few weeks of training literally flew by quickly. We came back from site visits and then we were already on our last week of training and next thing I knew I was at the ambassadors house swearing in as an official PCV. 
So basically we had model school during these last two weeks which was awesome because we got to teach kids and make our lesson plans to practice. My first lesson was a struggle because I was teaching in Portuguese and my Portuguese was awful. Then the last two went so much better. After that we had a thanksgiving dinner that came out perfect. I couldn't be happier to spend time with the people that are my family now. Then we had our farewell party with our host families, which was a blast! Saying goodbye to my host family was actually really sad but I am glad I have a family that I can call and visit when I want to get out of site. I gave them goodbye gifts which were beautiful capulana's and they were so happy, even my mom cried a little bit.
Anyways, Crazy that training flew by quickly but sad that I won't be close to the people I became close friends with Except I was ready for site and excited to begin my life in Vanduzi Manica. I am in the central region of Mozambique. I arrived yesterday and it's been amazing. Everyone in the town are so friendly and as well as our neighbors. The area is beautiful. I also got an amazing dog named amendoim which means peanut. He is too cute and I have an awesome roommate. I am pretty happy with my site actually. I finally unpacked and got my room together, I even made a closet so I could hang my clothes (I am pretty proud of it). Other than that my life has been the same but now I finally get to integrate with my community and begin teaching in February. Also I finally get to live on my own and have my own room, no more living out of my suitcase. Being at a new site, maybe i will have more time to update my blog. We will see!