Tuesday, September 24, 2013

It is finally here...

I finished my first day of staging in philidelphia, it was awesome. It made me realize that I am so much more ready than I thought I was.My group just seems so amazing and full of awesome volunteers. I was able to connect with a lot of them. We all are so ready and excited to go. I do leave from philidelphia early morning 😞 and then we all finally fly out to Africa! So crazy, it feels unreal. I can't wait to start this new, crazy, unpredictable adventure. Até logo! 

Tuesday, September 10, 2013


So it's crazy to think, I will be training soon for the hardest job that I will love. September 23 is just around the corner. I keep thinking the 15 hour flight to Mozambique might be a little rough. I was thinking I can catch up on some reading, I have some books I've been dying to read but never had the time to read them. 

My packing has literally been put on pause, it's so hard to pack my life for the next two years, ha let me tell you! Luggage weight limits suck!!! I've been so busy spending time with my family, my boyfriend and friends.  I know I will miss them dearly but I'm ready to go, start my new job and meet new people. I'm definitely excited yet so nervous. My mind is going crazy like what if I forget something, what can I bring for my host family ( I know they don't expect anything but still), what will my secondary project be, and so on. A lot of the PCV that are in Mozambique have been helping with my packing list, and what to prepare for. They are really really helpful! I also get more excited talking to them, seeing their pictures, and hearing their stories.

    Even though my packing is on pause, I can say I have been preparing for hopefully my biology students (Since they can move me to teach Math or English). I looked up easy low budget experiments and thinking of cool lesson plans. Talk about exciting, well for my science nerd heart it's super exciting.  

I love learning Portuguese, I think I'm driving my family crazy by practicing aloud. I am pretty nervous about teaching in the language but i'll accept the challenge. As long as I can say cells which is cèlula and lizard which is lagarto for a huge one or largartixa for a small one I think I will be solid. (Got to love herpetology) I just need to practice more. 

Man oh man I'm sure these last two weeks are going to fly by I better start packing....at least I can say I have everything I need to pack. 

Monday, September 2, 2013

How it all started.....

I know many of you that are applying to Peace Corp are looking everywhere for answers, how is the life like, how long is the process to apply, or why have I not heard back from them yet. Trust me I was in the same boat. When they said it is a yearlong process…. it really was.  I applied to Peace Corp the end of my College Junior year in 2012. I received my official invitation to Peace Corp as a Biology Teacher in Mozambique April 2013. I will be departing September 23 2013 to begin my two-year journey to Mozambique. As the day is creeping up closer and closer I get more excited and a little nervous.