Monday, October 28, 2013

Sleep tight don't forget to tuck in your mosquito net at night!

It's been a month now since I've been in Namaacha. Crazy how fast the month has gone by. My Portuguese is now improving and Spanish isn't getting in the way too much. So, this past month has been amazing. It's been nice being able to make conversation with locals when I am at the market. It's even better when I can bargain at the market so they can lower prices (which I am really good at thanks to my aunt). My mãe works at the market so one day I went to go pick her up when it closed with my sister and got to see the behind scenes. They basically load up all their stuff in one room and trust each other that they won't steal from each other. It's actually really cool and they lock it all up together. My mãe was pretty happy that I came and got her with my sister. We had a conversation on the way back. 

These people are all so friendly and really have each other's back when needed. Also they are full of love in the family, I've never seen a grandparent love their grandchild like how my mãe grabs hers and loves them. 

One of my nephews always plays with a bottle as a soccer ball, which is really cute cause he really tries playing and he is only a one year old. I love how happy a child could be with out a real ball. It's awesome to know the kids don't sit around to watch tv and play video games. They are always out and about. 

So it's raining season, which is good but bad. I love the cold but mannnn this mud is out of control especially since I live down a hill and have to walk up hill to go everywhere. It is so easy to slip in the crazy mud. 

I really am learning how to live like a mozambiquen though. I love it more and more. Especially the mozambiquen traditional dishes like matapa. Which is amazing and get to learn how to make. I am not a fan of coconut but majority Of the food takes coconut and it's amazing. Also I made my first piece of clothing with the traditional capulana which I love and I think it's starting a new addiction. And if you're wondering if I tuck in my mosquito net in at night yes I do haha. Hopefully I can upload pictures up soon. But I don't want to make the post so long 😁

Friday, October 18, 2013

This is my life..

It all feels like a dream, I constantly step back, smile and say "this is my life". From bucket baths, power goes in and out, drinking tea with my family and cooking with my family.  I walk dirt roads to get to my language class, tech classes and home (def my workout) , constantly being greeted "bom dia, boa tarde, boa noite". I love every second of it. Everyone just seems so happy here, and they sing and dance constantly. The best part is when you see them singing they sing their heart out and it just make you happy. It does get tough out here but  I said it before what job doesn't have it's ups and downs.
 I finally know 3 path ways to get to my homestay family house which is awesome for ending week three. I wish I had a computer with Internet to post pictures but I at least have my phone. 

Today I spent the whole day with my sister in law and nephews. These two boys are the cutest things ever. I taught them my name so they always say bye and hi Telma or call my auntie. They get so excited when I arrive home.
 Anyways today we had a crazy thunderstorm that was so loud and energy went out (of course Africa) and my 2 year old nephew was petrified of lightening. I decided to get my head lamp out and I fit it to his head so everywhere he walked there was light. It was the cutest thing ever and he smiled the whole time. Once it reached his bed time he came and layed in my arms and feel asleep quickly. It was too cute. 
This past week a lot has happened, I got to learn a mozambiquen dish and show them American dishes. We made chili which came out amazing. I made my first lesson plan in Portuguese which was tough yet easy. Language is improving though so I'm happy about that. And I learned the traditional dance here which was so much fun I wish I could sing the words. A lot of the songs they sing is to send out messages about your health and it's an amazing way to do it. 
Well that's all I have for now hopefully I can make this blog a little but more interesting later. 

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Well hello there!

Yes hello there 😁 sorry for not posting in a really long time, but then again I just recently purchased Internet. Where do I even begin. Well training has being going good yes there are the up and downs but what job doesn't have that. The flight was a little rough but i got to sit next to an awesome woman and we conversated the whole way. The first day I arrived at namaacha was amazing my mãe (mom) grabbed my hand and gave me so much love. Walking back to her home which is now minha casa also was very very nerve wrecking. For one, I didn't know if my portuguese was good enough to have a conversation with the rest of the family and two whats my living situation looking like. Everyone in the household welcomed me with open arms and i love my
Little home.  Everyone here is happy and extremely friendly. Every day I at least talk to 3 locals with short conversation or say good morning, evening and night to over 30. Sorry I got off topic. 
My host family is my mãe, sister, sister in law and my two nephews who are 2 and 1. They are the cutest things. This is my 17 year old sister who takes me walking places.  We were cleaning the secondaría escola for professor's day. She is very sweet But very quiet. My house is perfect, it definetly was something i didnt expect. I'm really enjoying my life out here and hopefully it keeps getting better. I'll try to post a new post tomorrow! Sorry for the lag